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Glossary of Terms Used in Diaries.

2/Lt or 2/LT2nd Lieutenant
Auth or AuthyAuthority
B.E.F.British Expeditionary Foece.
Box RespiratorGas Mask
C of EChurch of England
C.G. or CGPhosgene Gas
C.S.C. R.E.Commanding Special Companies, Royal Engineers.
G.H.Q.General Head Quarters
H.Q. or HQHead Quarters
K in AKilled in Action
lacrymator chamberDevice for testing effectiveness of box respirators (gas masks)
limberthe detachable front part of a gun carriage, consisting of two wheels and an axle, a pole, and a frame holding one or more ammunition boxes.
Lt or LTLieutenant
M.C. or MCMilitary Cross
M.M. or MMMilitary Medal
mphMiles per Hour
N.C. or NC?
N.F.Northumberland Fussiliers
O.C. ot OC or O/COfficer in charge
O.R. or OROther Rank
Paradosa bank behind a trench or other fortification, giving protection from being fired on from the rear
Pioneera soldier employed to perform engineering and construction tasks.
R.E. or RERoyal Engineers
S.C.R.E. or SCRESpecial Companies, Royal Engineers
S.O.S. or SOSStruck off Strength
sapA small trench or dug out.
SapperA Private in the Royal Engineers
ScabiesA contagious skin infection caused by a parasitic mite. It developed in the field during the First World War because the medical profession were unfamiliar with its early signs, and many soldiers only reported sick after the condition became too painful to endure, by which time they were probably sharing the disease with their company mates.
stinksSoldiers handling gas.
T.O.S. or TOSTaken on Strength
W in AWounded in Action
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