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WW1 War Diaries for 'J' Company Special Brigade Royal Engineers

From March 1917 to July 1919

(Not case sensative)

National Archive Reference Number: WO 95/401/3

ARRASSaturday 10/Mar/1917 Under authority G.H.Q. circular memorandum OB/42 of 24th February 1917, reorganisation of the Special Brigade dates from 12th February 1917. This unit originally known as 'J' company, No 3 Special Battalion R.E. attached No 4 Special Battalion R.E. there became an administrative and executive unit known as 'J' Special Company (Cylinder) R.E.

In practice it has been administered till now by No 4 Special Battalion R.E. from February 12th 1917. Hence a summary is now given of the state of the company, and operations since then.

Officers: Commander: Captain J.A. CARPENTER R.E.

Second-In-Command: Captain C. LAYCOCK R.E.

Section Commanders: Lt L. TAIT R.E. (Sect 42), Lt E.G. LAWFORD R.E. (Sect 41) 2/Lt G.C. ALLCHIN R.E. (Sect 44), 2/Lt V.F. FARR R.E. (Sect 45) 2/Lt R.B. SANTER (Sect 43), Supernumerary 2/Lt B.C. BEVAN R.E.

Other Ranks: W.O. 1, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants 13, Corporals 41, Pioneer Sappers 173 Attached on establishment: A.S.T. M.T. 3, A.S.C. H.T. 1 Total - All Ranks on Mar 10 1917 - 240

Under the old establishment, there were eight officers and 250 other ranks Under the new establishment, there are seven officers and 218 other ranks (vide war establishment for a SPECIAL COMPANY (CYLINDER R.E.) SITUATION: The company has been and is situated in ARRAS (15 Rue Jeanne D'Arc) and since Feb 12th has been working with VII Corps and VI Corps

OPERATIONS: 1. With VII Corps (14th Divn, 43rd Bde) the maintenance of gas emplacements on 'H' Sector, S.E. of ARRAS (M.10.c.40.40 to G.35.d.35.35, later to G.35.b.80.00 NEUVILLE VITASSE TRENCH MAP 1/10,000)

2. With VI Corps (3rd, 12th, 15th Divisions) the maintenance of gas emplacements on I Sector, E. of ARRAS, to the RIVER SCARPE.

3. With VI Corps (18th Division) an operation taken over from Q Special Company R.E., viz the REID-KELLET PUSH PIPE (BORING) experiment at G.24.c.70.25 (ARRAS TRENCH MAP 1/10,000) in which 280 cylinders were connected, 40 in a group, to seven pipes pushed underground to the German wire. Details are given in Appendix 1

4. With VI Corps, on the 3rd Division front, preparations for the Installation of 900 LIVENS PROJECTORS firing special drums: Preparations for this operation were made in consultation with B.G.G.S. VIth Corps during the latter part of February 1917

Training: A training ground for the Company in the use of projectors with a range of 1300 yards has been used at SIMENCOURT: Each section having been trained the company now being again at ARRAS: The range is in square Q.4.b map 51c.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 3

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

ARRASSunday 11/Mar/1917 The 44th Inf Bde has relieved the 45th Inf Bde in the part of I sector containing the PUSH-PIPE experiment Section 41 departed to SIMENCOURT for further training in projectors.Capt J.A. CARPENTER
ARRASMonday 12/Mar/1917 In the morning the billets of the Company were shelled

Casualty: 1 O.R. wounded (at duty). (No. 192935 Pri WILSON J)

After standing by for the push-pipe experiment the wind changed to north and the experiment could not be carried out.
ARRASTuesday 13/Mar/1917 Section 42 under Lt TAIT proceeded to SIMENCOURT for training relieving Lt LAWFORD with section 41

Again the company stood by for the push pipe experiment with the 44th Bde but the wind became too light changing also from S.W. to S.S.W. Instead of a zero at 1 am as originally arranged the time has been altered to an earlier hour: Depending on circumstances from 8 pm to 11 pm.
SIMENCOURTWednesday 14/Mar/1917 CAPT LAYCOCK proceeded to VI Corps H.Q. and arranged the following administrative Details:-

Leave, Discipline etc under CAMP COMMANDANT, VI Corps


Supplies, Fuel, Ordnance 3rd DIVn WANQUETIN and WALRUS

Transport, Repair, etc VI Corps SUPPLY COLUMN AVESNES-LE-COMTE

Telegraphic Address, JULIA c/o 3rd division (changed by VI Corps to JINGLE c/o 3rd DIVISION

Notification that our technical tools, required for operation with PROJECTORS, would be drawn from No8 R.E. Paris, SAVY was received from H.Q. SPECIAL COMPANIES R.E. THIRD ARMY.

Third Army G.S. 14/20 of 11-3-1917 was received stating that our first discharge with projector would, if wind conditions permitted, be at Zero minus 48 hours 15 minutes, and that a second discharge might be made up to Zero minus 6 hours

Strength on Mar 14th, 8 officers, 1 W.O., 12 Sergeants, 41 corporals, 174 men, Total 236: Attached 3 officers, 1 sgt, 3 cpls, 11 men.

Section 42 continued training at SIMENCOURT.
ARRASThursday 15/Mar/1917 B.G.G.S. VI Corps consulted re offensive operations with projectors. It was decided that our original plans would hold, ie 900 projectors should fire on three targets in FILLOY-LES-MAFFLAINES situated at points sketched in Appendix 2:

Strength, same as on Mar 14th Section 43 under 2/Lt SANTER has relieved section 42 at SIMENCOURT.
ARRASFriday 16/Mar/1917 Strength - same as on Mar 15th.Capt J.A. CARPENTER
ARRASSaturday 17/Mar/1917 We have been notified that our stores (No4 RUE BEFFARA), our H.Q. (15 RUE SEANNE D,ARC) and our officers billets (No12 RUE SEANNE D,ARC) will be taken over shortly by XVIII Corps. Arrangements are being made to move

The 44th Brigade has relieved the 45th Brigade in 15th Divn front

The push-pipe experiment has been cancelled for the present by VI Corps but it is possible that tomorrow night we may do it if the weather is favourable.

Today has given us the first west wind for six weeks

Section 44 under Lt ALLCHIN has relieved Section 43 at SIMENCOURT

Strength, 8 Off, 1 W.O., 12 Sergeants, 40 Corporals, 174 men, Total 235 Attached 3 Off, 1 Sergeant, 3 Corporals, 11 men, Total 18.
ARRASSunday 18/Mar/1917 During the night 17-18, it was discovered that the enemy had retired from BEAURAINE. The pivot of his retirement was at a point immediately south of the ARRAS-CAMBRAI main road. His new line covers TILLOY, thence south to TELEGRAPH HILL and along the northern end of what is usually called the HINDENBURG (or SIEGFRIED) line, stretching in a - NEXT ENTRY DOES NOT CONTINUE ON SAME SUBJECT

Noon: Our troops are holding BEAURAINS. The H Sector is now uncovered thereby rendering the gas-emplacements no longer necessary: O.C. Company made a reconnaissance of the I Sector ( E. of ARRAS) with a view to arranging dumps and carrying for the projector operation (hereafter referred to as G 1/P): These arrangements will be submitted to VI Corps today and will appear in a future appendix (Orders for the carrying of projectors and drums) when approved.

PUSH-PIPE EXPT: The wind being W.S.W., G.O.C. 44 Brigade was warned at 3 pm and a zero fixed for 11 pm: The experiment was carried out: REPORT ON the Discharge of Gas by the REID-KELLET push-pipe, March 18th 1917 Ref JR 212 of 19/3/1917.

PERSONNEL: At 44th Bde H.Q. Advising CAPT JA CARPENTER R.E., O.C. Spec Coy: At O.P. foot of IVORY ST: CAPT A. REID-KELLET, 6th S.W.B. CAPT C LAYCOCK R.E. 2 i/c J Sp Coy Lt MUIR I.O. 15th Divn 11 pm: PERSONNEL (Cont): in the line at dug-out (G.24.c.54.45) Lt JD BERRIDGE R.E. & Section of N Coy.

CONDITIONS: Wind 3-4 mph W. by S. Zero 11 pm: Weather clear steady dry

OBSERVATIONS Observers report that the cloud travelled well coming from the hostile wire and moving forward in a very low cloud not more than 15 ft high, and about 100 yds wide. It went into the Railway Triangle, kept together and poured into a cutting which exists near the German fourth line 11:00 pm: Zero: All silent with no excessive MG fire 11:25 pm: First SOS signal (Red rocket bursting into 3 stars) This brought no response 11:31 pm: Second SOS signal (Red rocket not bursting) 11 pm: OBSERVATIONS (Cont) About six 77 mm shells scattered near the front line 11:40 pm: Third SOS signal (Golden rockets bursting into green) 11:45 pm: Gas cloud becoming thinner 11:55 pm: Barrage of 105 and 77 mm shells on the Factory OP (600 yards behind front line) 12:20 am: Gas cloud practically stopped.

BEHAVIOUR OF ENEMY IN LINE: The enemy gave very little retaliation though a moderate bombardment of the cemetery was going on (and had been previously to the discharge) all the time. He put up many vary lights from behind the front line on the flanks firing most of them into the cloud and near its source It is reported by a prisoner who was observing over the parapet that the enemy put one or two light TM Bombs near the source of the cloud but this was difficult to observe from O.P.

11 pm: IN THE DUG-OUT (G24.c.54.45) Lt BERRIDGE and 10 NCOs and men of N Coy experienced some trouble with leaks. The oxygen cylinders of the SALVUS sets did not last as long as was expected, hence as one SALVUS cylinder had to be kept and used for the turning off. All the gas cylinders could not be turned on. 150 out of 280 were reported discharged

Casualty: One O.R. Wounded (Gassed in Action), N Coy.

Company Movements: Section 45 under Lt FARR has relieved Section 44 at SIMENCOURT Lt SANTER has proceeded to THIRD ARMY MINE RESCUE SCHOOL to undergo a course of training in SALVUS sets with a view to training the NCOs of the company in its use

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sergeants: 39 Corporals: 174 men: Total 234 Attached 3 Officers: 1 Sergeant: 3 Corporals: 11 men: Total 18.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 5

See Appendix 1

ARRASMonday 19/Mar/1917 PUSH-PIPE EXPT: Lt BERRIDGE reports that there is still gas in the dug-out

Noon: The disconnection of the pipe-system has been commenced

2 pm: VISITS TO STAFFS: O.C. Company arranged further carrying details with B.G.G.S. VI Corps

STRENGTH: One Corporal less than on Mar 18 (to England for commission).
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 5

ARRASTuesday 20/Mar/1917 CORRESPONDENCE: Third Army G.S. 14/30 of 18th March 1917 received (amendment to G 1/P): Third Army G.S. 14/20 of 11/3/1917 and specifics that one shot per projector only shall be fired in operation G 1/P PUSH-PIPE: The dug-out has been further cleared


STRENGTH: Same as for Mar 19th.
ARRASWednesday 21/Mar/1917 PUSH-PIPE: Dug out not yet clear:

10:00 am: VISITS to STAFFS: O.C. Company acting under instructions from VI Corps, visited 15th Division: Carrying schemes for G 1/P were advised and it was suggested that O.C. O Special Company should attend to discuss detail as he was responsible for the divisional arrangements. This was done:

NOON: 3rd Division was then rested and arrangements made for the reserving of dug-outs for G 1/P.

5:00 pm: MOVEMENT: Sections 37, 38, 39 have arrived from H Special company under Lt C VANDERMIN R.E., Lt F WOOLNER R.E., Lt JL LIZIUS R.E. respectively: Capt REID-KELLET and 4 O.R.s of 6th S.W.B. departed:

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 38 Cpls: 174 men (J Sp Coy): Total 233 Attached: 1 Officer (B Sp Coy): 3 Cpls: 5 men (N Sp Coy): Total 9 3 Officer: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 94 men (H Sp Coy): Total 126 1 Officer: 1 Sgts: 2 men (Q Sp Coy): Total 4.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 5

ARRASThursday 22/Mar/1917 G 1/P: The sections have been finally appointed 41 to 45, 37, 38, 39 from right to left on the projector front

MOVEMENT: 21 O.R.s of G Special Company arrived for temporary attachment Section 45 has returned from SIMENCOURT GENERAL: Bombardment of ARRAS.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 5

ARRASFriday 23/Mar/1917 PUSH-PIPE: The dug-out has been cleared, cylinders disconnected, and carrying out is being arranged with 15th Division VISITS: All officers of the unit made a complete reconnaissance of the line

STRENGTH: As for 22nd March.
ARRASSaturday 24/Mar/1917 MOVEMENT: 8 O.R. N Special Company returned to their unit:

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 38 Cpls: 174 men (J Sp Coy): Total 233 Attached: 1 Officer: 1 men (B Sp Coy): Total 2 3 Officer: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 94 men (H Sp Coy): Total 126 1 Officer: 1 Sgts: 2 Cpls: 18 men (Q Sp Coy): Total 22.
DUISANS ARRASSunday 25/Mar/1917 5:30 pm: VISITS: A conference was held at 15th Div H.Q., DUISANS at 5:30 pm There were present: B.G.G.S. VI Corps G.S.O. 1s, 3rd, 12th, 15th Divs O.C. Spec Coys R.E. Third Army O.C. J and O Special Coys 5:30 pm: The final details of carrying for G 1/P were decided

CASUALTY: 1 O.R. (H Spec Coy attached J Spec Coy R.E.) WOUNDED IN ACTION

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 38 Cpls: 174 men: Total 233 Attached: 1 Officer: 1 men (B Sp Coy): Total 2 3 Officer: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 93 men (H Sp Coy): Total 125 1 Officer: 1 Sergeant: 2 Cpls: 18 men (Q Sp Coy): Total 22

The billets were heavily shelled by hostile 150 mm and 77 mm artillery

Under authority Q.M.G. 10/1 (Q.A.S.) of 16/3/1917, small box respirators were drawn for the unit and for those of H Special Company attached for operations on the scale of 1 per officer or O.R. + 5 % margin.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 5

DUISANS ARRASMonday 26/Mar/1917 VISITS: To 3rd and 15th DIV H.Q.

STRENGTH: Same as for Mar 25th.
ARRASTuesday 27/Mar/1917 PUSH-PIPE EXPT: Carrying out has been started.

The accompanying orders were issued (appendix 4) 148 cylinders were removed and despatched by three lorries to BOUQUEMAISON (Spec Coy R.E. Workshops) Carrying was completed by 11 pm ORDERS & RECEIVED Copy No 10 of INSTRUCTIONS No 16 (addendum to S733), 3rd Division were received giving detail with regard to carrying in for Operation G 1/P ORDERS ISSUED SG/622 (forming Appendix 5) These are based upon and include the 3rd Division order just mentioned, with the exception of the Divisional personnel, which is to be furnished by the Pioneer Battalion and 9th Brigade or 8th Brigade.

GENERAL: Again the billets were shelled. At 6 pm a 150 mm shell made a direct hit upon 26 Rue Jeanne D'Arc (Billets of Section 45)


STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 38 Cpls: 170 men: Total 229 Attached: 1 Officer: 1 men (B Coy): Total 2 3 Officer: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 93 men (H Coy): Total 125 1 Officer: 1 Sergeant: 2 Cpls: 18 men (Q Coy): Total 22.
Capt J.A. CARPENTERAppendix 4

Appendix 5

ARRASWednesday 28/Mar/1917 CORRESPONDENCE: 46th Bde B821 received (orders for carrying for G 1/P), VI Corps GX 307/5/567 received (ditto)

BILLETS: Warning has been received that the company H.Q., stores and mess will have to move shortly, owing to the taking over of the billets by XVIII Corps

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sergeants: 38 Cpls: 169 men: Total 228 Attached: 1 Cpls: 1 men (P Coy): Total 2 1 Officer: 1 men (B Coy): Total 2 1 Officer: 1 Sergeant: 2 Cpls: 18 men (Q Coy): Total 22 3 Officers: 8 Sergeants: 21 Cpls: 93 men (H Coy): Total 125: Grand Total 379

Projectors are being received from H.Q., Special Coys R.E. Third Army.
ARRASThursday 29/Mar/1917 8:00 pm: PUSH-PIPE EXPT: The remaining cylinders were carried out and despatched to BOUQUEMAISON without mishap

MOVEMENT: O, Q, Z, Special Companies are now in ARRAS and a system of sharing communications is being arranged

PROJECTORS: A further 240 projectors were received from H.Q. Spec Coy making a total of 360

STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 38 Cpls: 169 men: Total 228 Attached: 1 Cpls: 1 men (P Coy): Total 2 1 Officer: 1 men (B Coy): Total 2 3 Officers: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 93 men ( H Coy): Total 125.
ARRASFriday 30/Mar/1917 INTELLIGENCE Ref attack made by H and J special companies on Oct 5th 1916 at NIEUPORT, the following appears in VI corps Daily Intelligence Summary No 380 issued March 29th 1917. Para 5 EXTRACT: VI corps Daily Intelligence Summary No 380 issued March 29th 1917. Para 5 RESULT OF BRITISH GAS ATTACK

A full description has been received of the effects of a gas attack carried out by a company of the SPECIAL BRIGADE R.E. last October on the French front at NIEUPORT No surprise was effected because the enemy had discovered in the course of a successful raid made a few days previously that a gas attack was imminent; nor was there any particular reason at the time to suppose that any damage had been done by the gas

The Operation was a normal one, and was carried out at a very small cost to ourselves, only 8 of our men being gassed and two of the French infantry - all very slightly As a result of the attack, seven hundred men of the 1st German Naval Division were buried in the Divisional Sector, apart from those gassed who were sent to OSTEND and BRUGES, many of whom died en- route and in the hospitals. It was currently estimated that 1500 gas casualties occurred in the 1st Naval Division, of whom the great majority ultimately died.

The gas was so strong that the bolts of rifles could not be unlocked, and all metal articles, arms and equipment, became unserviceable and had to be handed into store: (ends) In connection with the above, the raid mentioned was made by a German guards regiment about Sept 30th, 22 French prisoners being then secured by them.

On Oct 1st and Oct 2nd the front line was heavily bombarded by large T.M. Bombs, but very little damage was caused to our cylinders.

REID-KELLETT PUSH-PIPE Expt A raiding party of the 15th Division reported on Mar 24th that all the enemy dug-outs along the railway embankment, along which the gas travelled, were found to be wired up.

OPERATION G 1/P 320 projectors were carried by 9th Inf Bde to the I 1 sector, and dug into position by the company: 580 more projectors were taken to the forward dumps STRENGTH: 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 58 Cpls: 169 men: Total 228 Attached: 1 Officer: 1 man (B Coy): Total 2 1 Cpls: 1 man (P Coy): Total 2 3 Officers: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpls: 93 men (H Coy): Total 125: Grand Total: 357
ARRASSaturday 31/Mar/1917 10 pm: OPERATION G 1/P: 320 projectors were installed. Total now in position 640 The electrical apparatus arrived at midnight (31 March/1 April)

CASUALTIES: 2 O.R. WOUNDED (GAS) (enemy gas shells)

STRENGTH midnight 31 March/1 April 8 Officers: 1 W.O.: 12 Sgts: 35 Cpr: 167 men: Total 223 ATTACHED: 1 Officer: 1 man (B Coy): Total 2 3 Officers: 8 Sgts: 21 Cpr: 93 men (H Coy): Total 125 3 cpls to ENGLAND for cadet shop

MOVEMENT: The company moved to new billets as follows H.Q.: 2 (bis) PLACE VICTOR HUGO Mess: 9 QUAI DES CASERNES

Just after removal the house containing the orderly room lately used was hit (Direct) with a 150 mm shell. J Coy had removed everything.
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